LifeLineBorderColor stereotype not working

0 votes
asked Oct 26, 2020 in Bug by anonymous

If I try

!pragma teoz true
skinparam Shadowing false
skinparam sequence {
ActorBorderColor white
ActorBackgroundColor transparent
ActorFontColor white
LifeLineBorderColor<<time>> white

skinparam note {
BackgroundColor<<timer>> transparent
BorderColor<<timer>> transparent
FontColor<<timer>> gray

actor time_actor << time >>
rnote<<timer>> over time_actor: 01:27:00
User -> A: Create Request
rnote<<timer>> over time_actor: 01:27:15
A -> B: DoWork
rnote<<timer>> over time_actor: 01:27:45
B --> A: Done
rnote<<timer>> over time_actor: 01:28:07
rnote over A: Just a Note
A --> User: Request fulfilled

LifeLineBorder color stereotype does not get applied, while in the same diagram without teoz enabled it does


skinparam Shadowing false
skinparam sequence {
ActorBorderColor white
ActorBackgroundColor transparent
ActorFontColor white
LifeLineBorderColor<<time>> white

skinparam note {
BackgroundColor<<timer>> transparent
BorderColor<<timer>> transparent
FontColor<<timer>> gray

actor time_actor << time >>
rnote<<timer>> over time_actor: 01:27:00
User -> A: Create Request
rnote<<timer>> over time_actor: 01:27:15
A -> B: DoWork
rnote<<timer>> over time_actor: 01:27:45
B --> A: Done
rnote<<timer>> over time_actor: 01:28:07
rnote over A: Just a Note
A --> User: Request fulfilled

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 3, 2020 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Thanks for the feedback.

And congratulation for this timeline: this is nice !

We have fixed this issue in last beta and on the online server.
