latex rendering - transparent background instead of white background?

0 votes
asked Mar 20, 2017 in To be sorted by stephan (270 points)

Dear PlantUML-Team

The one example on namely

Bob -> Alice : Can you solve: <math>ax^2+bx+c=0</math>
Alice --> Bob: <math>x = (-b+-sqrt(b^2-4ac))/(2a)</math>

shows a white background where I would expect transparency.

For all the other examples, the background color is carefully choosen to match the color of the node or note they are part of. That looks awesome.

Is it possible to make this one transparent instead of white? My intuition says yes, but can you implement it easily too?


thank you soo much for this awesome project!



1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Mar 21, 2017 by plantuml (295,000 points)
selected Mar 21, 2017 by stephan
Best answer
Ok, could you try with last beta8

commented Mar 21, 2017 by stephan (270 points)
thank you very much for the fast development!
it is indeed transparent now