I am using the Web version of the plantUML (https://www.planttext.com/) At this time, I do not know where to check the Version. I am using the same sample code from the web
title Simple Composite State Model
[*] --> NeilDiamond
state NeilDiamond
state "Neil Diamond" as NeilDiamond {
state Dancing
state Singing
state Smiling
Dancing --> Singing: hello
Singing --> Smiling
Smiling --> Dancing
And when i tried to convert to TXt , it showed the error message mentioned above.
Also, Additionaly, the txt diagram does not show arrows for simple diagram for example
title Simple State Model
[*] --> GlassEmpty
GlassEmpty --> [*]
GlassEmpty : Contents - void
GlassEmpty -> GlassFull
GlassFull : Water
GlassFull --> [*]
note right
this is a note
end note
THe above code on converting to text yields the following
,---------------. ,---------.
|GlassEmpty | |GlassFull|
|---------------| |---------|
|Contents - void|--|Water |
|---------------| |---------|
`---------------' `---------'
,----. ,--------------.
|*end| |this is a note|
|----| |--------------|
`----' `--------------'
which does not show any arrows/direction