PlantUML - Clickable Folders and The user can dwelve into it.

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asked Mar 29, 2020 in Wanted features by kkaruppanan (220 points)
edited Mar 30, 2020 by kkaruppanan
The PlantUML great free hand textual to Graphics UML rendering program.  Now, I would like if the following feature is added,

Now, when we work on Big Problems we end up in large Classes, their relationships to each other and we organize them into Packages.  However, when there a huge set of Classes in a particular problem even after organization them into Sub-Groups or Packages the picture way to big to organize for easy visualization.  

Therefore, can be there an option to create Logical Folders, Along with Packages..  The Packages are groups of related classes in the domain.  Where as the Logical Folders, groups created by the user for easy organization.

These packages and Folders need not have to Show the Classes inside of them when we Visualize.  Where as click or a double click event on the Folder or Packages could take the user inside the logical unit to visualize the Classes inside of them and such feature would help to organize big diagrams and gives a better view.  This would help users to work in PlantUML more often and helps to organize classes from big domain.

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