No text spacing with fork - Activity Diagram

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asked Apr 28, 2020 in Bug by Lewis


I've noticed when trying to incorporate forking only some arrow text has space made for it, and in other scenarios it doesn't. Please see the below code for an example.

Notice the text on the arrows before and after the "final state of this fork" have space, yet the other text does not (making it messy through overlapping).


-> Have something that is long\nwritten here as an\nexample;
-> This is more\ntext that is\ntoo long for the arrow;
fork again
:something else;
-> showing more text that is\ntoo long once again\nin this\nparticular\nscenario\nwhere this happens;
:final state of\nthis fork;
-> Have something that is long\nwritten here as an\nexample;
-> This is more\ntext that is\ntoo long for the arrow;
fork again
:something else;
-> This is more\nlong\ntext but notice\nhow it fits\nbecause it's after the\nendfork;

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 28, 2020 by plantuml (295,760 points)
Many thanks for the report and for the complete example. It really helps!

This should be fixed in last beta

Tell us if it't not working for you and when you will have find other issues :-)
commented Apr 29, 2020 by Lewis

Thanks PlantUML, incredibly fast response that fixed the vertical spacing perfectly! smiley

I've noticed the horizontal spacing is also a little off, would it be possible to fix this also? Attached example below


-> first arrow that is too long to show\na hortizontal spacing issue;
:state again;
-> this is more text;
fork again
-> starting arrow;
:state with overlapping text from \nthe first fork;
->something else;
:another state;
-> ending arrow text;
end fork