newpage don't keep params in component mode

0 votes
asked May 2, 2020 in Bug by joseluis (160 points)
It seems to remember the skinparam in some modes, but not in component mode which is the one I mainly use. E.g.:

skinparam ArrowColor blue
skinparam card {
    shadowing false
    backgroundcolor red
card A
card B
A -> B
card A
card B
A -> B


Also I use a lot archimate, and since it's probably an extension over component mode the skinparams defined in the main macro, aren't kept either after using newpage (i.e. rounded corners)
Technology_Event(A1, " ")
Technology_Event(A2, " ")

I've tried it with versions plantuml.1.2020.7.jar and plantuml.1.2020.8.jar

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