Sequence Diagrams: Anchros and Durations with Incoming/Outgoing Messages

0 votes
asked Jun 7, 2020 in Bug by Vince5 (120 points)


It seems that Anchros&Durations do not work with Incoming/Outgoing message, i.e. the following gives a syntax error:

!pragma teoz true

{start} [-> Bob : start doing things during duration
Bob -> Max : something
Max -> Bob : something else
{end} [-> Alice : finish

{start} <-> {end} : some time



{start} [-> Bob : start doing things during duration
Syntax error?

In contrast, the following example works fine (without combining the two features):

!pragma teoz true

[-> Bob : start doing things during duration
{start} Bob -> Max : something
{end} Max -> Bob : something else
[-> Alice : finish

{start} <-> {end} : some time


Am I missing something? This seems like a bug to me, but I'd be happy with an answer pointing out my ignorance too (:

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 8, 2020 by plantuml (295,960 points)
selected Jun 8, 2020 by Vince5
Best answer

Many thanks for the feedback, this is indeed a bug

This has been fixed in last beta

Tell us if it's working for you !

commented Jun 8, 2020 by Vince5 (120 points)
Perfectly, many thanks!