Why can't partitions or rectangles have different BorderStyle in the same way they can have different BorderColor?

0 votes
asked Jun 19, 2020 in Bug by Robbut

skinparam partition {     

     BackgroundColor OldLace

     BackgroundColor<<Start>> PaleGoldenRod

     BackgroundColor<<FixedUpdate>> PaleGreen

     BorderColor BurlyWood

     BorderColor<<Start>> Black

     BorderColor<<FixedUpdate>> Black

     BorderStyle Dashed

     BorderStyle<<Start>> Solid  ' This is not applied to the partitions tagged with Start. Why?

     BorderStyle<<FixedUpdate>> Solid  ' This is not applied to the partitions tagged with FixedUpdate. Why?


commented Jun 19, 2020 by Serge Wenger Work (15,660 points)
Please provide a small full example to help reproduce
commented Jun 19, 2020 by The-Lu (70,400 points)

Hello all,

1/ Here is an example with skinparam, where we observe the issue (on BorderStyle):

[Click to see on PlantUML online server]

2/ And an attempts with beta-style (where we observe a lot of issues):

activityDiagram {
  partition {
     BackgroundColor OldLace
     LineColor BurlyWood
     LineStyle 4 'This seems to be not applied
     LineThickness 1 'This seems to be not applied
  .Start {
    BackgroundColor PaleGoldenRod 'This seems to be not applied
    LineColor Black 'This seems to be not applied
    LineStyle 0
 .FixedUpdate {
    BackgroundColor PaleGreen 'This seems to be not applied
    LineColor Black 'This seems to be not applied
    LineStyle 0


If that can help,

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