Observations on Common commands (title, header, footer, caption or legend) on all diagrams [V1.2020.16]

0 votes
asked Aug 31, 2020 in Bug by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello PlantUML Team,

Here are the result of the Common commands (title, header, footer, caption or legend) on the different diagrams, we observe:

1/ Overlap for Sequence and WBS

header some header
footer <back:red>some footer
title My title
caption This is caption
<back:red>The legend
end legend

header some header
footer some footer
title My title
caption This is caption
The legend
end legend
* r
** d1
** d2

2/ Syntax Error for gantt

header some header
footer some footer
title My title
caption This is caption
The legend
end legend
[t] lasts 5 days

→ Link to PlantUML online server.

  • Could you allow 'header' and 'footer' for gantt diagram?

3/ java.lang.IllegalArgumentException for Salt

header some header
footer some footer
title My title
caption This is caption
The legend
end legend
  Login    | "MyName   "
  Password | "****     "
  [Cancel] | [  OK   ]

For Salt, see also:

4/ Minor question:

  • Why, for sequence diagram, the caption is above the legend unlike all the other diagrams?

Thanks for all yours improvements,

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 6, 2020 by The-Lu (64,340 points)
Best answer

Hello PlantUML team,

With the new version 1.2020.17-18, this is fixed.

See result on:

Thanks for yours works,
