Strange actor spacing when notes at same level on sequence diagram.

0 votes
asked Nov 18, 2020 in Bug by anonymous

When there is a long note at same level, there is a huge space created between the actors for no obvious reason. I would like this space to be removed. When notes are not at the same level (without the /), it works correctly.

With the note at the same level, this seems incorrect:

create Alice
create Bob
note over Alice: zzzzzz
/note right Bob: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Without the note at the same level everything is correct:

create Alice
create Bob
note over Alice: zzzzzz
note right Bob: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Nov 20, 2020 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Thanks for the feedback.

You should enable "teoz" layout engine to better handle this case. So you have to add "!pragma teoz true" to your diagram.

See this example.

Someday, this will be enabled by default...

Hope this helps!

commented Nov 24, 2020 by anonymous
Thanks a lot! This really help.