Can I align stereotypes in column for component diagram?

0 votes
asked Nov 27, 2020 in Wanted features by udelledo (120 points)
recategorized Jan 19, 2021 by udelledo

Hello fellow users,

Is there any way to allow rendering the stereotypes of a component in column rather than as a single line?

Trying to leverage the integration between plantuml and archunit I have to create a diagram that contains package coordinates as stereotypes of a component.

In cases where I want to group several packages into a single component (for example because the two different packages cover implementation details of the same functional component) I end up with a component that become too wide and make the diagram too wide and difficult to read

Here's an example diagram

[functional component dependency] <<com.acme..package1..>> <<com.acme..package2..>> <<com.acme..package3..>> <<com.acme..package4..>> as dep
node "My awesome feature"{
[repository] <<com.acme..myfeature.repository..>> 
[service] <<com.acme..myfeature.service..>> 
[DTO] <<com.acme..myfeature.dto..>>  as dto
service --> dep: invoke external dependencies
service ->repository: Manipulate data
repository -up-> dto: DTO
dto <-down- service : DTO

Any help or suggestion will be appreciated.


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