Hello everyone.
I'm trying to render the sample Deployment diagram locally (https://github.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/blob/releases/v2/samples/C4_Deployment%20Diagram%20Sample%20-%20bigbankplc.puml) and I'm getting an error where PlantUML is not recognizing the ContainerDb macro:
Function not found ContainerDb
The only thing I'm changing is that since I don't have access to internet I'm removing the following line:
!include https://raw.githubusercontent.com/plantuml-stdlib/C4-PlantUML/v2.0.1/C4_Deployment.puml
and adding the following so it's able to load the local version of the Deployment library (C4 v.2.0.0), that should in turn have an Include call to the Container library in its header:
!include <C4/C4_Deployment.puml>
It's clearly loading the Container.puml file or else it would have a recursive error, so why is it not able to identify the ContainerDb macro included in that library?
I also tried explicitly loading the Container library on top of the Deployment include with a similar line using the same syntax:
!include <C4/C4_Container.puml>
but I get the same error.