Hello A.,
If you have only several @startuml/@enduml (no other diagram type), you could add on the beginning of the file, for a first diagram, this definition:
'Change only this value depending of the number of @startuml/@enduml on the full file
label l [
!while $i < $max+1
!include %filename()!$i
!$i = $i +1
Here is a full example, for a file named "filename.pu":
'Change only this value depending of the number of @startuml/@enduml
label l [
!while $i < $max+1
!include %filename()!$i
!$i = $i +1
title AAA
a -> b
title BBB
title CCC
[A] lasts 4 days
then [B] lasts 2 days
Then you observe the expected result: all diagrams of the file on the first output image (on the first image named 'finame.png'
If that can help,