how to make multiple @startuml@enduml blocks (in 1 file) generate into one diagram

+1 vote
asked Apr 23, 2021 in Closed feature request by anonymous
for an example:










(all of these content above are in one file), and I want to all of these blocks form one diagram by plantuml tool in linux. Currently, I just use cmd: "java -jar plantuml.jar <filename>". But it generated multiple diagrams, one block to one diagram. I want all of them into one diagram.

How could I do that?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Apr 23, 2021 by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Hello A.,

For that, you can use sub-diagram, with {{ and }}, and all in one label as:

label l [

title AAA
a -> b

title BBB

title CCC
* r
** 1
** 2


If that can help,

commented Apr 28, 2021 by anonymous

thanks for reply, however, I want to make multiple 



@enduml  blocks into one single diagram. Not into multiple sub-diagrams of one picture.

0 votes
answered Jun 21, 2021 by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Hello A.,

If you have only several @startuml/@enduml (no other diagram type), you could add on the beginning of the file, for a first diagram, this definition:

'Change only this value depending of the number of @startuml/@enduml on the full file
label l [
!while $i < $max+1
  !include %filename()!$i
  !$i = $i +1

Here is a full example, for a file named "filename.pu":

'Change only this value depending of the number of @startuml/@enduml
label l [
!while $i < $max+1
  !include %filename()!$i
  !$i = $i +1

title AAA
a -> b

title BBB

title CCC
[A] lasts 4 days
then [B] lasts 2 days

Then you observe the expected result: all diagrams of the file on the first output image (on the first image named 'finame.png' wink).

If that can help,
