How to insert a short descriptive text between the title and the diagram?

0 votes
asked May 17, 2021 in Question / help by poi (1,200 points)
I want to put a short descriptive text between the title and the diagram. I see two alternatives, which neither really works.

A floating note together with a hidden link to some object.  It is difficult to choose an appropriate object and to avoid to increase the total width of the "image". I would like the note to be left justified to the left "border" of the class diagram.

Add a few rows to the title object. Use html to control size and color of the font. These rows will be center justified, which doesn't look good for a few rows. And there is no word wrap feature. I would like the text to be left justified and wrapped to a given width.

Thus, is there a better way?

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered May 17, 2021 by The-Lu (70,400 points)
selected May 12, 2022 by poi
Best answer

Hello P.,

If you does not use legend..., you can use legend for that... as:

legend top left
  I would like the note
  to be left justified
  to the left "border"
  of the class diagram.
end legend

See also doc.:

If that can help,

commented May 17, 2021 by poi (1,200 points)

Hello Th.

Thanks a lot for the quick answer. "legend top left" is very close to what I'm looking for.


