Dynamic content (e.g. changed include or calculated) is cached for 5 days

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asked May 28, 2021 in Bug by kirchsth (5,080 points)
edited May 28, 2021 by kirchsth

If a *.puml file > 35 bytes PlantUML-server response is cached for 5 days.
If an included files is updated the PlantUML server displays the diagram based on the old included file and only after 5 days the new version of the included file is considered. Details see

The same problem can be reproduced with following diagram.
a) if the file <35 char each refresh returns a new sudoku

' working

b) based on the added comments the file >35 char and no new sudoku is calculated

' With comments no new sudoku is calclulated based on 35 char caching

Is it possible to reduce the cache time to e.g. 1 hour or deactivate it if the file contains some key word like “!include”, “sudoku”, “version”, …?
Thank you and best regards

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