[Sequence] Improve background color of group with RoundCorner

0 votes
asked Aug 23, 2021 in Wanted features by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

  • Could you improve (bottom and header) background color of group (alt, ...) with RoundCorner, on Sequence diagram?

Here is an example, with scale 2, and big RoundCorner, in order to see the issue (on the bottom and the header of the alt):

scale 2
hide footbox
sequenceDiagram {
    RoundCorner 40

alt #0f0 successful case
    Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted
else #00f Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat


1 Answer

0 votes
answered Aug 25, 2021 by plantuml (295,960 points)
Many thanks for the report.
This is fixed in last beta http://beta.plantuml.net/plantuml.jar and on the online server.

Tell us if it's not working for you!

commented Aug 26, 2021 by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

It is not fully corrected... wink

In fact, the round corner must be done only for the last alt, not for the intermediate alt...

Here is a full simple example:

sequenceDiagram {
    RoundCorner 30
alt #00ff0080 successful case
    Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted
else #ff000080 Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat
else #0000ff80 Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat
else #0000ff80 Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat

Then other question... about alt color... What are the equivalences?...

alt #palegreen successful case
    Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted
else Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat
else  Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat
alt #palegreen successful case
    Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted
else #palegreen Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat
else #palegreen Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat
alt #palegreen successful case
    Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted
else #white Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat
else #white Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat

Then here is a full example..


commented Nov 29, 2022 by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Hello PlantUML team,

To follow QA-17043:

- Could you fix also this request on 'Teoz' architecture?

Here is an full example:

!pragma teoz true 
scale 1.5
hide footbox
sequenceDiagram {
    RoundCorner 30

alt #00ff0080 successful case
    Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted\n<color:red>(See top corner)
else Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat\n<color:red>(why green bg? why not?)
else #ff000080 Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat
else #0000ff80 Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat
else Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat\n<color:red>(why green bg? why not?\n<color:red> and see overlap of bg color\n<color:red> on the dotted line)
else #0000ff80 Another type of failure
   Bob -> Alice: Please repeat\n<color:red>(See bottom corner)


commented Nov 29, 2022 by plantuml (295,960 points)

This should be fixed with last online version.
commented Nov 29, 2022 by The-Lu (77,040 points)

Thanks a lot. yes

There may still be a small gap between the dotted lines and the background color of the different zones...

