Associating to a relationship in Archimate

0 votes
asked Sep 30, 2021 in Wanted features by ChrisU
Archimate 3.0 and later support the notion of relating an entity to another relationship. Is this possible in PlantUML?

For reference see for information

This would help to me a lot.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Oct 1, 2021 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello C.,

Will you find what you are looking for here:

If that can help,

commented Oct 1, 2021 by ChrisU
Thank you for your response. I understand it is possible to relate Archimate entity to entity in PlantUML, e.g. application component to application component. What does not seem to be supported is relating an entity to another relationship

This is supported:

However I can't find a way to do this in PlantUML:

Associating entity C to the existing relationship (A,B) is valid in Archimate 3.1

Any further help would be appreciated.
commented Oct 1, 2021 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello C.,

I understand better your request, like on Class diagram:

But as Archimate is a Component/Deployment diagram, it is not yet possible; a possible workaround is to use intermediate circle or interface:

If that can help,

commented Oct 1, 2021 by ChrisU
That's what I thought. Thank you for clarifying, I now know I haven't overlooked a feature of PlantUML

While it makes a diagram more cluttered I may be able to use the Archimate application interaction or technology interaction entities between components. That would permit associating another entity with the interaction.

Thanks again for your help.