Encoding in R: Does brotli not work anymore, and how to get the png, /// programatically? curl?

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asked Jan 25, 2022 in Bug by rkrug (420 points)
edited Jan 25, 2022 by rkrug


I managed to implement the deflate algorithm (although it told me it looks like Huffington and I had to prepend a "~1" after which it worked) for the encoding, but not the brotli. I than tried from the site https://plantuml.com/text-encoding the brotli link (393-char string length using Brotli) and it gave an error. Is brotli not supported anymore?

Here is the link to the fort draft for the implementation n in R which seems to work:


I will work some more on it before you can link to it.

1 Answer

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answered Jan 26, 2022 by plantuml (295,000 points)
The doc is not up to date, sorry about that.

We have disabled (temporary) the brotli feature because no one was really using it.

Now, if you need it, we can very easily restore it. Just tell us to do so.

Thanks for you work!
commented Jan 26, 2022 by rkrug (420 points)
Thanks - I was just wondering - using deflate is actually easier, as it does not need additional dependencies.

I am planning on including this into an R package as the default option to create the UML graphs - therefore I am wondering, if the server requirements are stable when using deflate as the compression?
commented Jan 26, 2022 by plantuml (295,000 points)

the server requirements are stable when using deflate as the compression?

Yes, it's stable. It's so used by so many plugins that we cannot change it :-)

And that's why there is this "~1" header. If we introduce new format in the future (like brotli), we will use new headers ("~2" for example), so that "~1" will still be supported.

commented Jan 26, 2022 by rkrug (420 points)
Sounds perfect. Thanks a lot. I will let you know more details when the revision of the package is finished.