How to style groups (alt, loop etc.) using skin params?

0 votes
asked Apr 11, 2022 in Question / help by anonymous
There are some answers about how to add background color, e.g.:

But I want to style all the elements: border color, font color of title, background of title, font color of caption, background of caption.

Is this possible using skin params?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Apr 11, 2022 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello A.,


You can see:

Then here is an example, using style, as:

hide footbox
sequenceDiagram {
  participant {
    BackGroundColor white
    LineThickness 1
  group {
    FontStyle italic
    LineThickness 1
    LineColor blue
    LineStyle 3
    BackGroundColor LightSeaGreen
  groupHeader {
    FontStyle plain
    FontColor red
    BackGroundColor palegreen
    LineColor maroon
    LineStyle 3

participant A
participant B

group group label
A-->B : msg
activate A
activate B
A<--B : return
deactivate A
deactivate B
end group

alt alt label
A -> B : msg1
A -> B : msg2
end alt

loop loop label
A -> B : msg3
end loop

sequenceDiagram {
  group {
    FontStyle bold
    LineThickness 3
    LineColor blue
    LineStyle 10
    BackGroundColor pink
  groupHeader {
    FontStyle bold
    FontColor red
    BackGroundColor palegreen
    LineColor red
    LineStyle 10
loop loop label
A -> B : msg4
end loop


commented Apr 12, 2022 by anonymous
Almost there, thanks for the answer!

Is there any way to adjust the background color, padding, margin or alignment of the loop / alt label?

Part of the label is not visible because of the underlying lifeline.
commented Apr 13, 2022 by The-Lu (64,760 points)

Hello A.,

Seems to be not yet implemented...
But a possible workaround, for alt/loop label, will be to use creole `back` colour, for example with `<back:LightSeaGreen>` as:

See also similar question here:

Then you can also use `\r` and `\l` to manage alignment... 

If that can help,
