Location of saved diagrams

0 votes
asked Jun 3, 2022 in Question / help by mike.unger (120 points)
Trying to understand where diagrams are saved. I'd like them to be saved in exactly the same place as the .puml file. At least I found that I should open up the sub-directory where the .puml file is rather than an enclosing directory. Still, it wants to create a directory "out". Wish it would just save the .png file in the same place as the .puml file. Any thoughts? Thanks.

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jun 4, 2022 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello M.,

Perhaps, first see doc. here:

And :

With the `-o` option:

-o[utput] "dir" To generate images in the specified directory

If that can help,

commented Jun 7, 2022 by mike.unger (120 points)
Thanks for responding. I'm not crazy interested in running it via command line, would rather just use the export function in VS Code (I didn't mention that in original post). In any case the out directory is not bad.
commented Jun 7, 2022 by The-Lu (64,340 points)

Hello M.,

Then, if you use a VS Code plugin, perhaps ask directly your question not on the PlantUML forum, but directly to the VS Code plugin space.

If that can help,
