Hello all, and PlantUML team,
I test MinimumWidth and MaximumWidth on class or deployment...
And it seems that style examples are without effects on class or deployment (Observed on V1.2022.8beta2)...Only OK on WBS or Activity...
@startuml <style> class { MinimumWidth 100 MaximumWidth 150 Fontcolor red } </style> class a class "a long long long long long long long name" as A { function() elt a long long long long long long long name } @enduml
@startuml <style> node { MinimumWidth 100 MaximumWidth 150 Fontcolor red } </style> node a node A [ a long long long long long long long name function() elt a long long long long long long long name ] @enduml
@startuml <style> element { MinimumWidth 100 MaximumWidth 150 Fontcolor green } </style> :this is a very long component description; :a long long long long long long long name function() elt a long long long long long long long name; @enduml
OK, see also:
Thanks for the improvement.
See also wanted request here:
FYI: All are fixed with last version v1.2023.0.
Thanks a lot to PlantUML team.
Hello A.,
A pseudo, not soo good solution:
Then I continue to test with style, but without good result....Regards.
Enjoy,Thanks a lot to PlantUML team.