hide @unlinked fails in case of component {} notation

0 votes
asked Oct 4, 2022 in Bug by boshka (3,940 points)
edited Oct 4, 2022 by boshka
The following code produces unexpected result:

component C1 {
component C2 {
component C3 {

C1 -- C2

hide @unlinked

see the result: http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/umla/SoWkIImgAStDuKhEpot8pqlDAr5mDbIevgf55Z125p062t01LUhg0gMvk38oKr8L74hpSZBpibDJk1nIyrA0XW80

Here is the expected result (the components do not use {} notation): http://www.plantuml.com/plantuml/umla/SoWkIImgAStDuKhEpot8pqlDAr5mDaJc625pZBcud0qLT7L1mbmPcIcf2WwbUJcPUTcfALmEgNafG8C0

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