Deployment-diagram shall support coloring and orientation of a link in any order

0 votes
asked Oct 28, 2022 in Bug by Philip

I'm not sure if it an implementation or documentation bug:

In an activity I can write the coloring and orientation of a link in any order:

(*) -up-> "First Activity"
-right[#0000FF]-> "Second Activity"
-[#0000FF]down-> "Third Activity"
-left-> (*)

In a deployment-diagram I have to write the coloring and orientation of a link in special order:


node foo
title Bracketed line style without label
foo --> bar
foo -[bold]left-> bar1
foo -[dashed]-> bar2
foo -[dotted]-> bar3
foo -[hidden]-> bar4
foo -[plain]-> bar5

Does not work:

node foo
title Bracketed line style without label
foo --> bar
foo -left[bold]-> bar1
foo -[dashed]-> bar2
foo -[dotted]-> bar3
foo -[hidden]-> bar4
foo -[plain]-> bar5

It would be cool to have such an example even in the documentation and maybe a solution that both are supported.

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