PlanUML - online server with newpage display issue?

0 votes
asked Nov 7, 2022 in Bug by matjung (120 points)

I was using the guide - to copy and paste some uml together.

Based on my eyes and taste, the online result (Firefox 100x) looks strange.

The online viewer does not render newpage well.

Second observation. The javascript console contains a bunch of Cross Origine Request blocked issues.

Source code

header Hello Alice
footer Page %page% of %lastpage%
title Hello World
Bob -> Alice : hello
Alice -> Bob : What's up?
Alice -> Bob: Authentication Request
alt successful case
Bob -> Alice: Authentication Accepted
else some kind of failure
Bob -> Alice: Authentication Failure
group My own label
Alice -> Log : Log attack start
loop 1000 times
Alice -> Bob: DNS Attack
Alice -> Log : Log attack end
else Another type of failure
Bob -> Alice: Please repeat

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