Add label to return path "is" for repeat while

+1 vote
asked Apr 2, 2014 in Bug by Pander (780 points)

The while loop offers an "is" as is seen in:

while (test) is (value1)
endwhile (value2)

However, this is missing for a repeat loop. For example:

repeat while (test)

should be extended with:

repeat while (test) is (value1)

adding a label value1 to the edge going back up

and even this should be supported:

repeat while (test) is (value1) not (value2)

Adding label value2 to the edge going downwards.

To make it complete and support the same labelling as is possible with a while loop, also the next should be supported:

repeat while (test) not (value2)

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Apr 3, 2014 by plantuml (295,000 points)

Good ideas!

Your suggestions have been implemented in the latest beta:

Thanks again for your ideas

commented Apr 3, 2014 by Pander (780 points)

Perhaps move the labels under a while and under a repeat a bit more down to get them out of the shadow.