How do I tell Activity-beta to start drawing from the top of the swimlane?

+1 vote
asked Apr 2, 2014 in Wanted features by philippe.lavoie (160 points)
There might be good reasons for it, however in some cases it's nicer if we can have more control about the placement of sub-activities, i.e. activities within a swimlane.

For example, the following diagram is very "high", I'd like to tell PlantUML that it should start new activities in a swim lane from the top.




:Finds issue
(Bug or Missing feature);

if (BDD needs to be updated?) then (yes)
    :Update BDD scenario;


if (Unit tests accounts for issue?) then (no)
    :Add Unit test;

    :Modify code;
    :Execute BDD and Unit tests;
repeat while (test fail?)

:Push code changes to Git;

:Start Continuous Integration;

if (All test pass?) then (yes)
    :Raise Issue;

:Create Packages;
:Push to Package Repository;


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