Metadata Extract from SVG Not Working

0 votes
asked Apr 20, 2023 in Bug by Ken Campbell (120 points)
reshown Apr 20, 2023 by plantuml

Tested on plantuml-1.2023.6

Since plantuml-1.2023.1 metadata is encoded in SVG files meaning that you now have to use the -metadata command line option to extract the metadata.  However, this does not work.

Issue 1 - Metadata In SVG Not Encoded Correctly

I generated an SVG diagram from the following PlantUML source:

Title Test SVG Metadata

!$ODA_tint = 90
!$box_one_color = "#FFFFB5"
!$box_two_color = %hsl_color( 274,  54, 59*$ODA_tint/100+41 )

box "First Box" $box_one_color
participant "One" as a
end box
box "Second Box" $box_two_color
participant "Two" as b
end box

a -> b ++: <color:red>test</color>
b -->> a --: test response

When you try to using the java -jar plantuml-1.2023.6.jar -metadata <SVG diagram file> command I get the following in stderr and only the title line in in stdout:

java : @startuml
At line:1 char:1
+ java -jar plantuml.jar -metadata "svg metadata extract test.svg" > me ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (@startuml:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError
The plugin you are using seems to generated a bad URL.
This URL does not look like DEFLATE data.
It looks like your plugin is using HUFFMAN encoding.

This means you have now to add an header ~1 to your data. For example, you have to change:

It will work this way
You may contact the PlantUML team at
But you should also probably contact the plugin authors you are currently using and send them this image

For the record, here is your data:

qiWLMcHPXSt4Li7qAh6vMKnQKOiyLmgSp2kS7GGJH- -YeMy0

As you can see from the data, there is a space in the encoded string (7th-last character in the string).  In my testing I noticed that a space always occurs between two hyphens in the encoded metadata string in the SVG diagram file, rendering it invalid.  As per the suggestion it is not HUFFMAN encoding.  If I manually remove the space from the encoded metadata string in the SVG file and once again extract the metadata I get the following output in stderr:

java : @startuml
At line:1 char:1
+ java -jar plantuml.jar -metadata "svg metadata extract test.svg" > me ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (@startuml:String) [], RemoteException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : NativeCommandError

Title Test SVG Metadata

!$ODA_tint = 90
!$box_one_color = "#FFFFB5"
!$box_two_color = %hsl_color( 274,  54, 59*$ODA_tint/100+41 )

box "First Box" $box_one_color
participant "One" as a
end box
box "Second Box" $box_two_color
participant "Two" as b
end box

a -> b ++: <color:red>test</color>
b -->> a --: test response

This is an improvement.  However, an error still occurs, as reported at the top of the output, and causes this output to come via stderr rather than stdout.

Furthermore, the encoded metadata in the SVG file is:

NOzHIyCm58MVlR_Y61NKMjR9Ygmi0OVC9zd3YgybRGC6IbAImFRplUkaeda8d9pptNjIspGOr2Oc73xVyM6IxdNIHDUt-xVN9bcN8B4kMBV-r7XdciuFFl2ZkDdnsPRYnqj7FtjtNt6uY7iylwoUW9AlSlquJrqiYo9RBV50n334pWRkiFKdWR-Rw6hK8TdEZfgxYBqp0Zf2at4zE7d13wRph7_vkSq_lZxwYMzddgGy_rzAqiWLMcHPXSt4Li7qAh6vMKnQKOiyLmgSp2kS7GGJH- -YeMy0

Whereas, if I encode the PlantUML source via the command line using the -encodeurl command line option I get the following:


These are not the same.

Issue 2 - SVG Metadata Does Not Include the Pre-Processed PlantUML

When I extract the metadata from the PNG diagram file I get both the original PlantUML source and the pre-processed PlantUML

However, the SVG metadata may only contain the original PlantUML source and not the pre-processed PlantUML, which is particularly important if include files are involved.

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