two objects with same name rendered only once

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asked May 3, 2023 in Bug by chrikoch (120 points)

I have the following plantuml code:

rectangle "A" {
  rectangle "group" {
    rectangle "B"

rectangle "C " {
  rectangle "group" {
    rectangle "D"

I'd expect to get two rectangles (A and C), both having a rectangle "group" inside of them, the "group" inside of A holding another rectangle B, and C having a rectangle "group" with another rectangle "D" inside.

But what I get is this, where D is inside the group of A

PlantUML diagram

Is this desired behaviour? When adding aliases for "group" everything works as expected:

rectangle "A" {
  rectangle "group" as g1 {
    rectangle "B"

rectangle "C " {
  rectangle "group" as g2 {
    rectangle "D"

 PlantUML diagram

I've used the online server to test this behaviour and created the pictures there.

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