Hi C., and all,
You can add just:
RR -r[hidden]- P
And observe:
But the mean issue is:
@startuml allow_mixing class a class b package "center" as p { class c } a->p p->b @enduml
If that can help,Regards.
Here is a workaround using transparent rectangle, as:
@startuml hide circle hide stereotype allow_mixing skinparam linetype ortho <style> rectangle {LineColor transparent} </style> skinparam class<<MD>> { BorderColor DarkSlateGray BackgroundColor WhiteSmoke HeaderBackgroundColor #909090 } skinparam class<<TM>> { BorderColor #505090 BackgroundColor APPLICATION HeaderBackgroundColor SkyBlue } Package "Package" as S { rectangle { class "**Right**" as DC<<TM>> { ... } } Package "**Center**" as AR { file "rules" as P } rectangle { class "**Left**" as RR<<TM>> { ... } } } node "Implementation" as I { circle "Left" as Req component "Center" as AC database "Right" as DB } Req -> AC AC -> DB P -d- AC RR .d. Req DC .d. DB @enduml