Includesub with URL not working

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asked Jul 7, 2023 in Question / help by BiffClender (120 points)

We built some library files and hosted them on a server, and were hoping to use the !includesub command to pull into a diagram. The way we have our library files is to have 1 file with subs for styling, participants, components, etc. for a particular topic. We could break them out but have resisted doing so, hoping there's just a syntactical error we're making which prevents PlantUML from importing a sub from a URL. Currently we are using the format


which I assume is causing plantuml to look for a file called file.iuml!SUB. Regardless, the file isn't pulled in and the styles are not applied.

Is there a different syntax I should be using, or is this a bug?

thanks in advance

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