I am new to PUML (and UML in general) and have found an issue. When using groupInheritance, extensions (<|-) cause the item they are "pointing to" to partially show hidden lines. I do not know if this is a bug or intended, but decided to post it here. The issue is replicated in the example below. The connection between "A" and "B" should be invisible, but because 'A' is using `<|--` and not `<--` for other connections, a partial line going to nowhere is shown coming from it.
Replication example:
A <|-- AA
A <|-- AB
A <|-- AC
A <|-- AD
B <-- BA
B <-- BB
A -[#Red,hidden]left- B
skinparam groupInheritance 2
@enduml |
ex 2 from duplicate:
skinparam groupInheritance 2
@enduml |