Sequence diagram group too wide when containing activations using teoz

0 votes
asked Jan 31 in Bug by gustav-b (140 points)

Using teoz, if a group contains messages without activation, the group gets a reasonable size with some horizontal padding around the lifelines (see Group 1 below). But if the messages have activation, the group gets some strange extra padding on the right side of the lifeline (see Group 2 below).

This is with v1.2024.0beta3.


!pragma teoz true

group #ffa Group 1
    Particpant_A -> Particpant_B
    Particpant_A <- Particpant_B

group #ffa Group 2
    Particpant_A -> Particpant_B++
    Particpant_A <- Particpant_B--

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Jul 17 by JimN (940 points)

Hello.   As can be seen in the updated diagram in your comment, this issue has been resolved in 1.2024.6.   It used to draw the Group 2 width beyond the right edge of the Participant_B actor as follows:


Now the Group 2 box is only slightly larger than the Group 1 box to account for the padding on the extra width from the activation level.  So much better.   

Just in case the diagram in your original message changes again (since it seems to be updated to the latest version), here is the result of the current fix:


You can find my larger test script in the discussion on github at:


Jim N.
