Is it possible to define a style like:
critical {
lineColor Red
dev {
FontColor DarkGray
BackGroundColor Gray
prod {
FontColor White
BackGroundColor DarkGreen
I'd like to define some styles and then tag a task to apply the appropriate style. I've seen some folks accomplish this by adding a style right before a task and then applying the base style right after, but I'm looking for a better solution that allows me to format the task with the defined style as I'm writing it.
Something like:
!$now = %now()
!$today= %date("YYYY-MM-dd", $now)
Project starts $today
today is colored in red
[foo] lasts 10 days #critical
then [Task2] lasts 14 days
Is something like that possible? I tried figuring out whether there were skinparam features that would do this, but I couldn't find anything.