Feature Suggestions:
- Menu syntax support for nested {}.
- MenuEntry Icon support
- MenuEntry Checkbox and radio button support
- Disabled MenuEntrys
- SubMenus
Here is an example of a new syntax for menus.
File > {** New | Open File | [] Uncheckedbox | [x] Checkedbox | - | Close | <img:close_all.png> Close All | - |
Recent Files > {** stinky.pu | ouch.puml | gandalf.wsd } | <disabled> Recent Folders > } |
Edit > | Source > | Refactor > | Help | [Button]
How it works:
- SubMenus (including top level) would be indicated with a ">" after the name. A menu isn't open if it doesn't include a "{**" ... "}"
- Apply standard checkbox syntax to MenuEntry ([] & [x]).
- Something like <disable> to flag a MenuEntry or SubMenu as disabled.
- Something like <img> to provide an icon for MenuEntry or SubMenu.
I don't have a good idea how to do context menus.