Can we place activities columns?

0 votes
asked May 1, 2014 in Wanted features by philippe.lavoie (160 points)


Great software!

I'm being picky here since I can fix it with export to SVG and then use Inkscape. However, I was wondering if it's possible to have a layout based on columns. Similar to how a newspaper works. Excuse the ascii art, hopefully it shows what I mean.

start  +-> Activity 3
Activity 1  | Activity4
Activity 2 -+ end

I want to optimize the width vs height usage by giving hints to PlantUML. Maybe something like



:Activity 1;

:Activity 2;

column start

:Activity 3

:Activyt 4




This is similiar to a swim lane, except the flow goes to the top of the page before continuing as normal.


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