elk/smetana layout ignores arrow skinparam

0 votes
asked Feb 28 in Bug by kirchsth (7,140 points)
edited May 13 by kirchsth


if elk layout is activated the arrow skinparam are ignored (other skinparams looks ok, eg. rectangle skinparam is working).

Can you please check it?
Thank you

PS.: the orig problem was found in C4-Stdlib

commented May 13 by kirchsth (7,140 points)

same problem with smetana layout too. details see  Smetana is not supporting colors in UML

commented May 27 by kirchsth (7,140 points)

smetana fixed in Release v1.2024.5
elk is still open 

1 Answer

+1 vote
answered Jun 26 by kirchsth (7,140 points)

Based on following fixes is it working with snapshot (~v1.2024.6beta8)

and will be automatically part of the next released version. v1.2024.6

sample see comment
