Import file with different properties

0 votes
asked Mar 15 in Question / help by anonymous

Hi,  im trying to include the same file multiple times but have it change a few variables the second time its loaded.  Is that possible?   For example, if I do

---------- main.puml
!$var1 = "x"
!$var2 = "y"
!include_many include.puml

!$var1 = "y"
!$var2 = "x"
!include_many include.puml

---------- include.puml
!$var1 ?= "default1"
!$var2 ?= "default2"
'do some stuff below...

It will read the variables properly on the first include and display them as "x" and "y", but on the second import it will not show them reversed. 
I also tried with having an intermediate file that did the reversing and also with a procedure that I called. But nothing seems to allow me to change it on the second include.  Is there a way to accomplish this?  Thanks!

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Mar 17 by kirchsth (7,140 points)


I think the problem is that the includes are optimized and are loaded only once.
But you could
a) encapsulate the relevant part of the `include.puml` into a procedure
b1) include the  file at the beginning of main
b2) and instead of your current includes you could call the procedure.



!include defintions.puml

!$var1 = "x"
!$var2 = "y"


!$var1 = "y"
!$var2 = "x"




!$var1 ?= "default1"
!$var2 ?= "default2"

!procedure AddPartsFromIncludePuml()
$var1 -> $var2
!end procedure



commented Mar 20 by anonymous

Awesome, thanks for the help!

FWIW, it was my fault that it wasnt working.  On the "include.puml" I had other variables that got configured off of the first ones and I defined them with "?=" so they weren't getting updated since they got defined on the first include. 

Your solution looks good as well  yes
