I have the file as below. The description for connectors are to the side of it. Want to know if there are options to set where the description for connectors should be at.
1) Anyway we can make it happen on top of the connector?
2) At closer to the starting point of the connector or close to the destination point of the connector?
@startuml banking-context
title PoC for Architecture as Code
!include <C4/C4_Context>
'Border colors for systems
AddElementTag("updatedSystem", $borderColor="orange" )
AddElementTag("newSystem", $borderColor="green")
AddElementTag("existingSystem", $borderColor="red")
'Interactions - Updated, New, Emphasized
AddRelTag("updatedInterface", $textColor="orange", $lineColor="orange", $lineStyle = DashedLine())
AddRelTag("newInterface", $textColor="green", $lineColor="green", $lineStyle = dotted)
AddRelTag("EmphasizeInterface", $lineStyle = "boldLine")
Person(customer, "Primary Customer")
System(bankingApp, "Banking App", "Customer Bank Interface", $tags="existingSystem")
Rel(customer, bankingApp, "Make Transaction")
Rel(customer, bankingApp, "Update Profile", "http")
Person_Ext(addOnCustomer, "Add On Customer")
Rel(addOnCustomer, bankingApp, "Read Transaction", "https", $tags="EmphasizeInterface")
System_Ext(email, "Email System", "Email Notification System", $tags="newSystem")
Rel(bankingApp, email, "Post", "http", $tags="newInterface")
System_Ext(las, "LAS", "Logging And Analytics System", $tags="updatedSystem")
Rel(bankingApp, las, "Post", "http", $tags="updatedInterface")