TEOZ mainframe overlaping box

0 votes
asked Jun 29, 2024 in Bug by vbfton (120 points)
edited Jul 9, 2024 by vbfton

When using boxes and mainframe with teoz, boxes become hidden behind all diagram. That does not happen with puma.


@startuml Test
!pragma teoz true
mainframe **sd** Test

participant A

    participant B
    participant C
end box

activate A
A -> B ++:M1
B -> C ++:M2
C -> C ++--:A1
B <-- C --:R2
A <<-- B --:R1


PlantUML diagram

while without 'teoz':

@startuml Test
mainframe **sd** Test

participant A
    participant B
    participant C
end box
activate A
A -> B ++:M1
B -> C ++:M2
C -> C ++--:A1
B <-- C --:R2
A <<-- B --:R1

correctly produces: 

PlantUML diagram

Is there a way to fix or contour this behaviour?

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