TEOZ mainframe overlaping box

0 votes
asked Jun 29 in Bug by vbfton (120 points)
edited Jul 9 by vbfton

When using boxes and mainframe with teoz, boxes become hidden behind all diagram. That does not happen with puma.


@startuml Test
!pragma teoz true
mainframe **sd** Test

participant A

    participant B
    participant C
end box

activate A
A -> B ++:M1
B -> C ++:M2
C -> C ++--:A1
B <-- C --:R2
A <<-- B --:R1


PlantUML diagram

while without 'teoz':

@startuml Test
mainframe **sd** Test

participant A
    participant B
    participant C
end box
activate A
A -> B ++:M1
B -> C ++:M2
C -> C ++--:A1
B <-- C --:R2
A <<-- B --:R1

correctly produces: 

PlantUML diagram

Is there a way to fix or contour this behaviour?

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