There was similar issue on LifeLineBorderColor skinparam that seem to be broken too.
<<alice_style>> LifeLine has no effect when teoz is turned on. Please comment out `!pragma teoz true` to see the difference.
Both global LifeLine styles and stereotype styles except LifeLine are working correctly.
I'm using plantuml-1.2024.5.jar, but see same behavior on the online server too.
Syntax for the sample was taken from
!pragma teoz true
sequenceDiagram {
FontColor blue
LineColor blue
LineThickness 2
LineStyle 1-1
Lifeline {
linecolor red
linestyle solid
lineThickness 3
.alice_style {
FontColor green
LineColor green
LineStyle 1-4
lineThickness 10
Lifeline {
linecolor green
linestyle 2
lineThickness 10
participant Bob
entity Alice <<alice_style>>
Bob -> Alice : hello