Component Diagram is not intepretered corrected when having Long Description

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asked Aug 4 in Bug by xiaoqi (380 points)


I'm trying on the 7.10 of reference guide, which is the Long Description for Component Diagram.

My code is below:


component comp1 [

    This component

    has a long comment

    and name on multiple



interface int1

' component c1

comp1 -> int1

' remove c1


Here is the diagram from web server:


When I add one "interface" it's not displayed as the "interface" notation in Component Diagram, but I've already have one Component. Only I create one another normal Component (then "remove" or "hide), the diagram is then intepretered as Component Diagram.

My feeling is the "Component" with long description is not considered as one normal "Component", which is one wrong behavior. Could you please help to check?

Thanks, Xiaoqi

commented Aug 6 by Martin (9,120 points)
Interesting.  I agree with your guess that a 'long description component' isn't used to determine the diagram type, which feels like a bug.

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