Error "Maximum length 8000 characters" when posting issue on this forum

0 votes
asked Aug 27 in Bug by Ivo
I'm constantly getting an error "Maximum length 8000 characters" when trying to post to this forum, for a post that is definitely less than that...
Moreover, the cookies bar keeps popping up every single time, when I have dismissed it with my preferences (no §@#!% cookies !!!)
commented Aug 29 by Ivo
Concerning the 8000 chars limit problem: That was when I included screenshots as inline images in the post. Maybe that is (erroneously) counted towards "message length"?
I was confused, because even when I replaced the inline images with URLs to a drop site, the error remained. However, when I recreated the post from scratch with only the URLs (, I could submit it. So maybe the pasted inline images stayed "in cache" in the session somewhere even after I removed them?

2 Answers

0 votes
answered Aug 28 by plantuml (295,760 points)
Best answer
If you have some issues with cookies, you can go to

It should clear all cookies and fix the issue.

Tell us if it's not working for you!
commented Aug 29 by Ivo
Thanks, that seems to have solved the problem
0 votes
answered Aug 27 by plantuml (295,760 points)
About the cookies bar, can you tell us more about your config?

Are you using any ad blocker?

commented Aug 28 by plantuml (295,760 points)
Can you also try using "incognito" mode ?
commented Aug 29 by Ivo
No ad blocker, but the link below to clear cookies helped. Problem solved for me