Json object: changing background color of Header line

0 votes
asked Sep 7 in Question / help by mowmow


I'm looking for a way to change the background color of Jason object's header line

For example, I have some code below. Is there any way to change it on the "student" line? I know there is a way to change the whole table color but I can't find the way to change just the header line.

I'm planning to combine Jason objects in some other type of diagrams.



json "student" as j {

"name": "Steve",

"sex": "male"




1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 7 by The-Lu (70,400 points)

Hi M.,

It is not yet possible.

I just post this request:

Awaiting this functionality, here is a little workaround:


json "<back:gray><color:red>student" as j {
"name": "Steve",
"sex": "male"


