Hot to force the style of an activity diagram

0 votes
asked Sep 16 in Question / help by tho_wa (120 points)

I'm having this code for an activity diagram:

if (Setup A) then (no)
  'space label only for alignment
else (yes)
  if (Setup B) then (no)
  else (yes)
    if (Execute) then (no)
    else (yes)
    | |
      :Process X;
      :Process Y;
  :Cleanup B;
:Cleanup A;

which generates this diagram with no branches to the left and yes-branches to the underside.
A screen shot can be found here:

This is the best I can come up with to have it to my liking.
But I rather would have the no to underside and yes to the right.
Here is how it should look like:
Is that possible at all?

And if possible, I would like to have the swimlanes not shown.

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