activity diagram group repeat backward } "cannot find group"

0 votes
asked Sep 16 in Bug by jp324 (120 points)
edited Sep 16 by jp324

I'm not sure if this is a supported intended use or not, but I wanted to make an activity diagram using both a 'group' and a 'repeat'/'backward' loop.  When I tried to close the group element with a '}' it errors with a message 'Cannot find group'.  

group collection1 {
repeat : first;
backward :third;
' closing "}" here causes problems
group collection2
' closing "}" here also causes problems

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 16 by The-Lu (70,400 points)
selected Sep 17 by jp324
Best answer

Hello J.,

It seems `repeatwhile` is missing...

See doc. here:

Then to close `group` you must use `end group` as:

group collection1
repeat : first;
backward :third;
repeatwhile (condition)
end group
group collection2
end group


commented Sep 16 by jp324 (120 points)

Okay, I see now I missed "end group".  Originally I had started this diagram using "rectangle" which the "Group, Partition, Package, Rectangle or Card" example (copied here) shows using the "{...}" pattern and not "end group" specifically.  FWIW, using "end group" works to close a rectangle.  "end rectangle" doesn't seem to be legal syntax though.

group Group
end group
floating note: Note on Group

partition Partition {
floating note: Note on Partition

package Package {
floating note: Note on Package 

rectangle Rectangle {
floating note: Note on Rectangle 

card Card {
floating note: Note on Card

Looking at the rest of my question, I do see now I have to use either pattern "repeat ... backward ... repeat while" or "while ... backward ... endwhile".

Is there a syntax that doesn't force the conditional (diamond shape) split and still allows a backward/repeat-like arrow?

Thanks for your clarification.
