The converted sequence diagram doesn`t fit the whole image

0 votes
asked Sep 17 in Question / help by anonymous

i have the following issue.

After writing the whole UML text, I converted it to a png file; however, the sequence will not fully show.

how can I adjust this to be displayed in one image? Is there a limit for the text?

thank you
commented Sep 17 by anonymous
i did try the skinparam dpi X where I put X to 40 and the miage now fits the whole screen, but the text is unreadable.

Any workaround other than dividing it to more than one image?

1 Answer

0 votes
answered Sep 18 by Serge Wenger Work (15,680 points)


In "I want to generate huge diagrams!"

Another solution is to generate svg and after convert it to png

Hope this helps
