Hello all,
When I learn 14.4 and 14.5 in Reference Guide, the display of the Password text area gets strange output, e.g. when I input five "*", it display only one.
Here I've listed the number of "*" from 1 to 20 with below code, the last column is the actual result, seems there're some unexpected mathematic operations (e.g. calculate remainder) applies to the result:
Stars | Expected | Result
"*" | 1 | 1
"**" | 2 | 2
"***" | 3 | 3
"****" | 4 | 4
"*****" | 5 | 1
"******" | 6 | 2
"*******" | 7 | 3
"********" | 8 | 4
"*********" | 9 | 5
"**********" | 10 | 2
"***********" | 11 | 3
"************" | 12 | 4
"*************" | 13 | 5
"**************" | 14 | 6
"***************" | 15 | 3
"****************" | 16 | 4
"*****************" | 17 | 5
"******************" | 18 | 6
"*******************" | 19 | 7
"********************" | 20 | 4
I guess the pattern from "20" will be 4/5/6/7/8, then 5/6/7/8/9, not yet try all
You can check from the live server the results accordingly:
Could anyone help to check and advise? Thanks.