The following example shows three links to the PlantUML site followed by a bulleted list.
The first two work fine. The last, which calls a defined procedure, does not. It's use of the $bullet variable no longer works after the call to the procedure.
skinparam defaultTextAlignment left
!$bullet = "<U+2022>"
!define PLANTUML_DOCS_1 [[ Docs]]
!procedure $plantuml_docs_2()
[[ Docs]]
title Example
state A
state B
state C
state D
A --> B : PlantUML [[ Docs]]:\n $bullet Alfa\n $bullet Bravo\n $bullet Charlie
B --> C : PlantUML PLANTUML_DOCS_1:\n $bullet Alfa\n $bullet Bravo\n $bullet Charlie
C --> D : PlantUML $plantuml_docs_2():\n $bullet Alfa\n $bullet Bravo\n $bullet Charlie