Object Diagram Styles

0 votes
asked Nov 29 in Question / help by VS

I am playing around with object diagrams, and am trying to round off the object diagram using styles. It is not working for me. I don't know if this is a bug or if just unsupported.

I did a search on forum for object diagram and styles, and came across this old link. It seems like styles was added for object diagrams, but maybe not all properties are supported?

Sidenote - how do you paste code here?

objectDiagram {
    BackGroundColor LightSteelBlue
    LineColor Red

    .orStyle {
        BackGroundColor Blue
        RoundCorner 50

object "OR" as c3po <<orStyle>>
hide c3po members
commented Nov 29 by The-Lu (74,900 points)

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