Proper encoding for PlantUML diagrams

0 votes
asked Jan 26 in Question / help by Alexander

I need to render my plantUML diagrams from command line using PlantUML server as renderer. This can be done in 3 steps:

  1. Create text file containing the encoded diagram.
  2. Send the http request to PlantUML server with URL containing the encoded diagram.
  3. Download the rendered image.

To encode a diagram (for example “alice.pu”), I use following command:

         cat alice.pu | gzip | base64 | tr -d '\n' > encoded_alice.txt

To send the encoded diagram to PlantUML server I do:

         ENCODED=$(cat encoded_alice.txt)


To download the PNG image, I do:

               curl -o alice.png "$URL"

Unfortunately, I receive error related to the encoding:

… It looks like your plugin using HUFFMAN encoding. This means you have to add a header ~1 to your data…

Adding ~1 to the encoded diagram does NOT help.

When I try to render a simple example diagram:

@startuml alice

Alice -> Bob: test


The first command from above (cat alice.pu | gzip | base64 | tr -d '\n' > encoded_alice.txt)

produces following encoded_alice.txt file:


Which does not work and shows the error from above.

If I copy/paste the example diagram into browser on PlantUML server, the diagram is rendered successfully, and the browser shows me the encoded URL as:

So, the diagram is encoded as


This encoding works from command line as well: when I put the text


into the “encoded_alice.txt” , the rendering works and I can download rendered images from command line.

My question is: how can I generate the proper encoding of diagrams so that the server can read the encoding and render the diagram? In other words, how must I change the command:

cat alice.pu | gzip | base64 | tr -d '\n' > encoded_alice.txt

to produce proper encoding that PlantUML server can understand?

commented Jan 26 by The-Lu (76,960 points)

Hi A.,

Beware of base64 encoding, that is a closed base64 encoding...

You can see some help here:


2 Answers

0 votes
answered Jan 26 by The-Lu (76,960 points)

Hi A.,

Beware of base64 encoding, that is a closed base64 encoding...

You can see some help here:


0 votes
answered Jan 26 by anonymous
Thank you very much!